Ink on Paper
Posters for Classrooms in Bailey Bridge Middle School
The Posters should include:
What to submit:
Short Stories
Movie Reviews
Book Reviews
Favorite websites
Comics, etc....
Where to submit:
Room 713
When to submit:
Why to submit:
To be published in school wide newsletter just for students!
Thank you for for being such a super class!
Miss Clark
Hi Miss Clark!,
Did you recieve my PBMC notebook yet? I was just wondering if I had lost it or if I had turned it in already.
(Enjoy the extended weekend!)
miss clark,
can we use construction paper or poster board and do we need to paste pictures.I am feeling alot better I will see you wednesday
jesse goodwin
Cindy - I sure did. WOW....I am so proud of you! Granted, I'll be grading it forever; but it is so well worth it! :)
See you Wednesday!
Miss Clark
Jesse, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I miss you!
Yes, you can use construction paper - poster board may be a tad bit difficult to fold into a "mini-booklet", so I would suggest using white paper and/or the construction paper. Most of the projects come in on construction paper.
See you soon!
Miss Clark
Oh Jesse - I didn't answer the second part of your question; that would be a N/S on a writing prompt. :(
Yes, you type or write out the required material and then paste onto the construction paper. I have samples in the classroom for you to use when you come in on Wednesday. This will help you get a better idea as to how it is to look. This will also give you time to work on the project until next Monday!
Miss Clark
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