Friday, November 16, 2007

Monday, November 19th


Homework: Community Service Project

*Please being one canned good to class. You will be given (5) points for this homework assignment.

(Awesome what they did with these cans, but we will be donating ours to the "One Man, One Can" project at BBMS.) :) We'll place the cans in Miss Boor's box in her classroom. :)

Miss Clark & Mrs. Hogsett


Cindy Poe said...

Miss Clark,
Will we have a spelling list for this week? Also, I know that with the holidays coming up, we don't have much time, but when will we get to work on the newsletter?
Thank You!

Mrs. Ward said...

Hi Cindy!

No there will not be a spelling list this week - there are only three (3) days.

After our reading benchmark test on Monday, we will be working on Ink on Paper. :)

Have a GREAT week-end!

Miss Clark